
Fruit Stickers

For the Stuck Up exhibition at Leeds Art University, curated by William Burroughs

Participants created fruit stickers to be printed out and stuck in the gallery.

“We must not look at goblin men,
We must not buy their fruits:
Who knows upon what soil they fed
Their hungry thirsty roots?”

Goblin Market– Christina Rossetti

Science Posters

Project lead: Dr Amanda Cruchley at the University of Birmingham

A2 posters, aimed at engaging engineering and physics students with the university’s engineering collections.

The style was deliberately reminiscent of vintage science books.

2025 Calendar

A5 giclee-printed calendar with 12 illustrations

Science Banners

Project lead: Dr Amanda Cruchley at the University of Birmingham

2m tall printed banners for university fairs, aimed at engaging prospective engineering and physics students with exciting current research projects at the university.

The style was deliberately reminiscent of vintage science books.

2024 Calendar

A5 giclee-printed calendar with 12 illustrations- this one was a greatest hits from the previous calendars

Let’s Move to the Moon

Project lead: Dr Leah-Nani Alconcel at the University of Birmingham

Illustration, merchandise and graphic design for this schools project funded by the UK Space Agency and Discover Materials.

A mysterious box arrives at the school, filled with science equipment. The students have to complete the eight challenges, increasing their knowledge of physics and engineering, to earn the mission patch.

Each mission is themed around a famous female figure in STEM such as Marie Curie or Helen Sharman.

2023 Calendar

A5 giclee-printed calendar with 12 illustrations

2023 Diary

A6 pocket diaries with 52 different spot illustrations

Dawnwalker Code

Illustrations/cryptic symbolism as a cypher in the liner notes for the House of Sand album by post-metal band Dawnwalker.

The brief was “Pyramids of Mars” meets “Moondial” via The Golden Hare.

2022 Calendar

A5 giclee-printed calendar with 12 illustrations

ITV idents

(On set photos: Theo Deproost)

My friend Melanie King was commissioned by ITV to create a ident as part of  ITV creates.

The theme was science and astronomy, and I drew the logo made out of Solar Orbiter parts that would be projected as a negative onto cyanotype materials and developed in UV light in the films.

The original artwork for the negative- was around 2m long. A mix of hand-drawn ink, Illustrator and Photoshop textures.

You can see the various finished idents on this site .

Margate Film Festival poster

A2 poster advertising Margate Film Festival, and sold as a print to attendees.

This was the first year the festival operated online, due to the pandemic.

2021 Calendar

A5 giclee-printed calendar with 12 illustrations

The Fictional Books of Jorge Luis Borges

Borges loved to create imaginary books in his writing, creating stories via fake book reviews and academic texts.

I set myself the task of creating mockups of some of these books using nothing but free Photoshop mockup templates and photos from Wikipedia (a very Borgesian site in itself).

“A Game of Shifting Mirrors” comes from this story, a fake book review of a book that doesn’t exist, that tells a story within the frame of the review.

Erik Lönnrot from Death and the Compass on the other hand, was clearly a contemporary high-end scandi thriller writer, steadily churning out a long series.

Uqbar comes from Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius. The narrator keeps finding second hand books about a country that doesn’t exist, produced by a secret society aiming to change reality and make it real by changing the narrative enough.

You can find out more about the books and the project on my blog post here.

Vinyl stickers

Vinyl stickers of various illustrations- available from the shop

2020 Calendar

A5 giclee-printed calendar with 12 illustrations

Parliament Hill School Animation

School animation project conducted with students aged 13-18 at Parliament Hill School in North London in 2014.

The students were set the challenge of coming up with a story that reflected something about the school and the students within it. The school is very diverse, and they created a story about a girl who comes to London as a refugee, and is miserable at school because she doesn’t know any English yet, and can’t understand anything or anybody.

However, she soon starts to learn the language, and becomes far happier once she can understand and make friends.

The students were responsible for script-writing, sound recording, production duties, artwork and camera operation with my assistance. The soundtrack was left blank under the voices to allow the music students at the school to compose music as a project.

With optional hard of hearing captions.